Biysk Regional Center for Share Use of Scientific Equipment

Director of the Biysk Regional Center for Share Use of Scientific Equipment,

Sergey Gavrilovich Ilyasov, Dr. (Chem.)

Postal address: 659322, Russia, Altai krai, Biysk, ul. Socialisticheskaya, 1
Tel.: (3854) 30-59-37
Fax: (3854) 30-30-43, 30-17-25


Biysk Regional Center for Share Use of Scientific Equipment is an organization department of IPCET SB RAS, and is a part of the complex of the Centers of Collective Use of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. It was established pursuant to SB RAS Presidium regulation no. 556 as of October 27, 2008.


Primary functions:
- Shared use of expensive research instruments and setups by research institutions and enterprises to accomplish innovative objectives in the area of research into the structure and properties of materials;
- Improvement of the level of experimental efforts as well as of expertise certification and analytical estimations; elaboration of the procedural framework and computer research methods;
- Accomplishment of research and applied scientific projects and grants, as well as experimental support of analytical works performed by scientific institutions and enterprises of the Altai krai;
- Scientific research and test works by the forces of the BRCCU for third-party organizations;
- Arrangement of closer interaction and cooperation within the framework of Naukograd between scientific, profit, and industrial organizations of Biysk, Altai krai, and the Siberian region.